Pyin Oo Lwin , The flower land

Pyin Oo Lwin

The meaning of the town is that the place where a reasonable community has constantly resided some reasons. Among the cities in Myanmar , Pyin Oo Lwin is the best known for hill station and summer resort , apart from other ancient cities . It is located on the slope of Shan Pleateau and some 42 miles away from Mandalay , about 1070 metres ( 3510 feet0 above sea level. The name of that beautiful recreation center are varied to Five :

(1)   May – Myo honour to the founder of city for a century ago .

(2)   Terraced – City building and gardens are set in terraces like pattern.

(3)   Flower City horticultural flowers are being blossom around the year.

(4)   Hill Station Locating on the hill side of the Shan Pleateau

(5)   Pyin – Oo – Lwin city on pleateau with fresh environ , may be generally defined.

The major attraction of Pyin Oo Lwin is The Purcell Clock – Tower in the center of the Town .It is the landmark of May myo under the British . Then National Botanical garden the British colonial period , was set to the Southern – part of the town. It has an area of 240 acres and an artificial lake inside the garden.The natural climate and geographical composition led many flowers of orchid , magnolias , chrysanthemum , cherry , peach , strawberry and plums frowing in large number.

A panoramic view of the resort in dream like can be enjoyed from View point where Dat Taw Gyant Waterfall viewing . The early morning of each day , the daily – market is lived with colourful shan ethnic groups and become the community center upto late afternoon.

One of the most attractive characters is the Pony cab something to be liken a wooden coach drawn by a horse which is rarely viewed  in Pyin Oo Lwin ever since the British occupation. The pedlar takes a great pride in painting of carriage in extravagant colours and adoring the horse with beautiful reins and flowers

And the other attractions are tMahar-Ant-Htoo-Kanthar Buddha Image is made of marble stone and in the attitude of Bhumiphassa mudra which is seriously believed to grant one’s wish ans rapidly come to br known for it wonderful miracle and interesting origins. It is sheltered in a grand hall on the way to Lashio,put in account the must visiting site in Pyin Oo Lwin. Pwe Kaut water fall , distant 7 km out of the town is a picnic sport with triple falls , some colonial buildings of British , many beautiful cottage in the style of Western pavilion where colourful flowers carpeted the entire space of compound will take you into a sweet dream. There is a huge lake in the middle of the garden crowed people for rest and recreation .

The natural surroundings of Pyin Oo Lwin are rogged enough for those interested in adventurous hiking and mountaineering . The more devout can pay homage at the Buddha images in the long Peik Chin Myaung tunnel which is some 15 miles away from town having many Buddha images inside the cave and springs with crystal clear water beneath is , with stalactites and stalagmites composed of natural lime stone bed. On the way to Peik Chin Myaung , you can leisure at December Farming Garden .There is also “ A Nee Sa Khan water fall ‘’ where water flow down frpm a high of over 200 feet located 6 miles apart from the town and to the West of Mandalay – Lashio Road.

Pyin Oo Lwin is a thriving town yet it is small in size .It is indeed a place close to paradise , composed by the Western mansions and European cottage in terraces of relief from rock back with oriental beautiful mountain scenery as well as landscape in addition of enjoyable temperate weather. It will ensure you  a real satisfaction  and recreation for ever.

Last updated 4 months ago